To Bind its members with a tie of true and lasting friendship.
To Strive for the advancement of chemistry both as a science and as a profession.
To Aid its members by every honorable means in the attainment of their ambitions as chemists throughout their mortal lives.
We encourage all students interested in chemistry or a chemistry related field and looking to connect with others of similar interests to rush Alpha Chi Sigma.
Pledges will be required to attend weekly pledge meetings, exhibit knowledge of the fraternity, and attend at least three AXΣ events during the semester, one of which must be a service event, and one of which must be a social event. Pledges must also attend the Pledge Ceremony (to become an official pledge) and initiation (to become a brother). They will furthermore be required to successfully complete alcohol awareness training and submit a one-time lifetime membership fee of $185 to the National Office at least four weeks prior to initiation. All pledges will abide by the Three Objects and the Five Obligations of a Member.
Pledge meetings will be held Wednesday evenings in LabSci 250, at 8:30 PM. Chapter immediately precedes the pledge meeting, so please wait outside the room until the door is opened. Meetings are typically a half-hour, and will include discussions of the fraternity’s history, “speed dating” with other pledges and brothers, and an assessment of fraternal knowledge. Pledges may also receive a pledge parent, and will be expected to participate in at least two events with his or her parent.
If there are any questions or concerns about the pledge process, please contact the Vice Master Alchemist.